Monday, October 4, 2010

"The Blessed House"

The Blessed House had two main characters in it, Sanjeev and Twinkle. They are a fairly newly wed  couple and just moved into a new house.  As they begin to unpack their household items twinkle begins to find Christian paraphernalia. It kind of becomes a game for Twinkle. She goes on a search to see what else she can find. Sanjeev is not to happy about the artifacts that she has found. He thinks they are tacky and wants to get rid of them all. He is frustrated by the fact that Twinkle wants to keep them and display them in their new house. He also stresses that they are not Christian that they are Hindu.
Sanjeev and Twinkle seemed to have very different personalities. Twinkle seemed to be more laid back and free spirited. She did not really care what other people thought of her. Sanjeev seemed to be more serious and care greatly what his coworkers and what others perception of them was. This was very apparent when they hosted the housewarming party.
It was obvious Sanjeev cared about what his co-workers and community though of him. That was one of the mane reasons that he did not want to leave the Christian stuff in the house because he thought it was tacky and questioned what people would think of them being Hindus and having Christian paraphernalia around their house and in their front yard.  Twinkle seemed to care less as she took the guest on a artifact hunt in her attic. And she proudly displayed the so called “tacky” items.  In the end Sanjeev and Twinkle came to a compromise.
I did find it interesting that Twinkle found so much Christian paraphernalia. It made me ask myself  “why did the previous owners leave so much stuff behind? And why was it in such random places? Was there a purpose behind it? Did they expect the new owners to find it?

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