Monday, September 27, 2010

Painting the book of Joel

When I first heard we were going to paint I was a little worried. But then when professor Corrigan said we do not have to be good at painting I was kind of excited to do something different in class…..I am not artistic at all. So when I was thinking of something to paint I figured I better go more the abstract route.
I decided to pick colors to represent what was happening in the book of Joel. I reread through Joel and was trying to narrow down what I wanted my painting to represent.
As I began to paint I realized my paints were not normal paints. They were oils and the paper brushes I bought were for Acrylic. So the paint was not spreading to easily the paint was more like a clay. I then resorted to finger painting, using my finger to spread the colors since the brushes were not working.  But I actually kind of liked that my paints weren’t normal paints. I feel it gave my picture some added texture to it.
The top corner of my painting starts off with a bright yellow and a little of green mixed in there. This was suppose to represent a prosperous time for Israel then it moves into the darker colors and the black which represents the thick darkness; the drought, war, famine, starvation, fire that devoured the pastures, tress, and fields,  people in anguish,… then it moves back to the yellow/ bright colors which represent the deliverance. 
The two lines from Joel that I decided to focus on were.
“But the Lord is a refuge for His people
And a stronghold to the sons of Israel”
If you were to look closely at the picture you would see that there is a yellow undertone that you can see even through the dark colors. So the yellow covers the whole page. Just because there is black paint on a part of the page it does not mean that the yellow color is not there… It is suppose to represent how Gods is always there with his people even through the dark times. Even though it may have been a time of war, famine, or judgment… He never left them.   

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