Thursday, September 16, 2010

A Grief Observed

 In class we talked about how a house of cards is fragile, carefully constructed, and protected. Now after doing that demonstration rereading through certain parts of the book it gives me a little more of a vivid picture of what the situation was really like...
On  page 37 C.S. Lewis wrote "The case is too plain. If my house has collapsed at one blow, that is because it was a house of cards. The faith which 'took these things into account' was not faith but imagination. The taking them into account was not real sympathy. If i had really cared ,as i though i did, about the sorrows of the world, i should not have been so overwhelmed when my own sorrow came...." Then later on pg 38 he says "that if my house was a house of cards, the sooner it was  knocked down the better"... I believe that to be true if it were to be similar in something in my life.... If something in my life was not as i thought it to be, the sooner it is realized the better.  

On page 52 C.S Lewis talks about how God knew that his temple was a house of cards. And His only way of making me realize the fact was to knock it down. 
God already knows, he did not "knock it down" because He needed to know but God wanted to show him. And sometimes it takes something extreme for us to realize God is trying to get our attention. 

I have learned we may not always realize why things are happening at first. And we may not understand why God does certain things. And sometimes we may not see any possible good coming out of a situation… But I know I have to just continue to trust him and know that He has my best interest at hand. 


  1. "But I know I have to just continue to trust him and know that He has my best interest at hand."
    I'm not sure how much I agree with this. This is one of the aspects of theology I have a hard time believing. But I like how its said here. Good job.

  2. "But I know I have to just continue to trust him and know that He has my best interest at hand."

    The definition of faith. Sometimes evidence can be inconclusive, and hope slim. But it's choosing to simply believe; believe that there is hope, and that evidence will show up somewhere. I agree great job.

  3. I agree with you about your last statements about how we may not know what God is doing, but we have to trust in him.
